"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby
"Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off." Bill Veeck

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lebron Redux, and F U

I have come to the realization that I have zero patience with anyone who has negative things to say about Lebron James, mostly because it seems that most of those folks are so stupid re the man, or hoops in general. That they have no idea what they're talking about? Jordan was a prick, yet he is revered for some reason. Lebron is a nice kid, and he is despised all because of his televised "decision." How many 24 or 25 year old kids have made multiple dumb choices in the their lives? How many of those dumb choices resulted in a net gain of a million dollars to a Boys & Girls Club?

Michael was mean, vindictive and a bully and he's idolized -- Lebron is the exact opposite, and he is hated.

I hear about loyalty. Where was Jordan's "loyalty" when he took off to play baseball for two years? Lebron carried a miserable collection of scrubs for years in Cleveland, and got nothing for his effort. Loyalty is the most mis-used word in sports, and anyone who says they wouldn't leave their current job for the same job across the street for more money and a better environment is a liar.

In almost every profession when the time comes that you can’t do an acceptable job, you are kicked to the curb. Where is the loyalty then?

By the standards some of these idiots have once you get hired at the age of 14 as a newspaper carrier, dishwasher, or burger-flipper you should remain in that job your entire working life out of loyalty, right?

Forget happiness or achievement...really, that's what you'd do, right?

Right now, Lebron is better than Jordan ever was. He has two NBA titles one year earlier than Jordan had his first two. He has been to 4 finals, three more than Jordan had at the same age. His teams have had a better winning percentage in the playoffs than Jordan's had. In the playoffs, he has a better scoring average, rebound average, assist average than Michael had.

Don't get me wrong on this, I am not a fan of the guy, just sick of all the idiots that have no idea what they are talking about -- generally the folks that skim the first two or three paragraphs of a story, and make their minds up about something. I wanted Miami to win so those folks could eat a fair share of their own uninformed and stupid bullshit.

Jordan came from solid, 2-parent family, and grew up a calm and friendly place, whereas James grew up in a one-parent household in crime riddled city.

The world had barely heard about Michael Jordan until he went to college, where he was sheltered and coddled, and arguably just one of a dozen or so top college basketball players. Lebron James was featured on the covers of magazines at the age of 15 and 16, and had his high school games televised. He was dubbed "The Chosen One," which is an incredible burden for a kid to tote through life.

None of this changed James for the worse, and he played his heart out for Cleveland and carried that team to a place they had never gotten close to before. Then, when he realized that he had gone as far as he could, and no help was coming his way in Ohio, he did what thousands of pro athletes do all the time and signed on to work for a better employer. He did what we all have an opportunity to do, if we have the talent and/or skills that put us in demand?

Lebron moved on for what was less money than he could have made by staying in Cleveland, because it wasn't about money, it was about being happy.

All those garbage men, waitresses, accountants, bank VP's, factory workers, maids, and other cry babies in Ohio can sob and moan and talk about loyalty all they want because their lives are so pitifully meaningless that they need to tie their own happiness to something that they can only dream of being.

Talented people have options in life – doctors, lawyers, stockbrokers all stay with the same hospital, law firm, and brokerage for their entire lives?

I know, all you morons that hate Lebron wanna be like that cut-throat Mike. 

I feel sorry for you....

...no I don't...losers...