"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby
"Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off." Bill Veeck

Friday, November 25, 2011

Dan Lozano, Pimp to the Stars

As baseball free agent singings began to gather momentum, a hefty manila envelope containing a package of information was anonymously delivered to every major sports media outfit in the country a few days ago. Sports Illustrated, ESPN, Fox Sports, and other media outlets were all given an enormous amount papers, photos, and extremely lurid details about a baseball agent named Dan Lozano.

Pimp to, or pimp for?
Who is Dan Lozano?

Lozano is the agent currently trying to negotiate Albert Pujols's new contract.

Deadspin also received the package and it was Deadspin that "broke" the story’. Be assured that there will be more than a little bit of ongoing conversation about Lozano, who also currently represents a number of other top MLB players. Some of the players (aside from Pujols) that have or have had Lozano represent them are Jimmy Rollins, Mike Piazza, and Carlos Beltran. Of course, no sleazy baseball agent could last long without some kind of relationship with A-Rod, so he wanders through this story too.

When confronted with the story, Pujols indicated he was sticking with his guy, but one has to wonder if Albert really knows any of this stuff, some of which has hard evidence backing it up.

Sports agency is a fast and loose profession at all times, with mega-millions of dollars to be made by athletes and agents alike, and it’s my guess that some other agents in the biz compiled all that was contained in those big manila envelopes. No doubt put together by an agent or agents who’ve crossed paths with Lozano over time.

There are dozens of stories out there right now on all of this, but few will cover it like Deadspin. Who ever said that baseball was boring?


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