"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby
"Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off." Bill Veeck

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bochy Livid Over Manager Award Snub

San Francisco Manager Bruce Bochy is upset that he finished second to Dusty Baker in the National League Manager of the Year voting.

Bochy could have been heard to say that "Bud Black (San Diego Manager) was an easy #1 pick, as he had squat, but I only had a little more than squat and finish second to Dusty?"

Bochy didn't like it that (perhaps) Baker's history with Henry Aaron had an influence on voters:

"Just because Dusty is the only guy able to get away with calling Henry Aaron 'Hank Aaron' without getting the big chill (from voters) doesn't mean he should beat me for second place in this vote. If this is all about who your buddy was 40 years ago, well, I knew Larry Dierker."

"Look," Bochy continued, "Dusty had Votto, but it shouldn't mean he gets the vote too. I mean, did Dusty have to contend with his number one starter smoking weed all season? I could see it if he (Baker) was hoovering up lines like some guys in the American League, and had a drug addict as his number one hitter -- then I could accept a sympathy vote, but this is a kind of insult. It's almost like Barry is still on my team."

Meanwhile, in the American League Manager of the Year voting, Ron Gardenhire won for the 34th consecutive time, and is closing in on Bobby Cox's MLB record of having the Most Post-Season Blue Balls of All Time.

Ozzie Guillen had a few choice words to say on that announcment, but no one was able to understand any of it except for about 3 dozen swear words.

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