"People ask me what I do in winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Rogers Hornsby
"Baseball is almost the only orderly thing in a very unorderly world. If you get three strikes, even the best lawyer in the world can't get you off." Bill Veeck

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Tami, Demi and Ringo: The flu, the cougar, and the mop-top

She may get the flu?
I got a case of the flu a couple of weeks ago, which was a really bad time, but I got through it all right. I wish I’d just gotten a 6-pack, but in many ways I’ve always over-indulged in things that haven’t been good for me.

I went into work on a Monday morning feeling so-so, but by 10:00 A.M. I was enduring a full body ache with chills, my head was beginning to feel like it was filled with used, soggy cotton, and my coworkers were threatening to have me killed, so I called my doctor, and went home. When I saw my doctor later that day she confirmed what I already knew: I had the flu.

The ‘good’ news I got out of the visit was she told me the current flu shots were not working on a lot of people, so I didn’t feel like an idiot for not getting a shot. She also told me that the pharmacies had run out of Tamiflu on the prior Friday, but knew they were getting more in that day, so I was "lucky."

The ‘bad’ news I got out the visit was my doctor had no idea what all that cotton in my head was drenched with. It also soon became apparent to me that her version of "lucky" did not gibe with my own, but I think that’s a "Me" thing?

He's got it.
So, I got my Tami Flu and went home to Demi Moore. Not really, but AMC was showing the movie "A Few Good Men" over and over the entire week that I was home sick. I think it was part of some theme week, like when they have a "The Duke Week," and show non-stop John Wayne movies? I’m not sure what the occasion was for "A Few Good Men", but I watched it at least 6 times because I was not capable of much else for about 4 or 5 days, and I like the movie, and I really like Demi Moore?

At some point during all of this, I had a lie down, and Tami met Demi. Suddenly I was at a really hot party with Demi, and she and I were making out on some secluded sofa. It was so delightful that I couldn’t wait to tell Susan!

My lovely wife said, "That’s nice honey," and meant it. We watched the movie together that evening, and talked a bit on why we dream what we dream? I know that I have always favored the beautiful brunette over any other lady, which is why I first fell in love with Susan 50 years ago. I had also seen photos of Demi making out at a party a short time ago, and my sub-conscious probably figured what the hell? Maybe Katherine Ross and Barbara Hershey were busy, I don’t know?

He wants it.
Segue to three mornings ago, where Susan and I are driving into work and she tells me she had a dream last night in which she and Ringo Starr were "trying to have babies."

I know I am not alone when I tell you that my first reaction (and Susan’s) was "Ringo?" Even allowing for the fact that John and George are deceased, and that someone buried Paul, aren’t dreams of having sex with Beatles supposed to be nice, and bonking Ringo last on that short list?

The second thing I thought of was "Got to pay your dues if you want to screw the Suze…"

The third thing I thought of was the movie starring Demi and I titled "Blowhard."

Yesterday I emailed Susan at work and asked her if we had "a couple of sandwich rolls left?" I was making dinner that evening, and I needed two rolls.

She emailed back that we had "4 rolls."

I emailed "Then we have two couples, me and Demi; you and Ringo."

Susan emailed "Making babies."

It don’t come easy.

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